Christmas Tours

Christmas Tours

Although Egypt has majority of Muslim population yet it is considered to be an ideal to celebrate Christmas every year. Those who are planning to celebrate Christmas in Egypt must be wondering that Is Christmas a good time to visit Egypt? The answer is YES!!!! Egypt has a cool temperature with bustling energy with tourists pouring in and around the marketplace and everywhere to celebrate the occasion.

Egypt has a different way of celebrating having diverse Christian denominations, such as Coptic Orthodox Christians, that makes it to celebrate Christmas in Egypt twice, one is on December 25th and the other day is on the January 7th. That makes it the most exciting place to enjoy the Christmas holidays in Egypt.

Now the question arise Is Egypt safe at Christmas times?

There is a invariable danger of terrorist attacks in or around holy sites and during religious festivals, for example in the month of Ramadan and the Christmas period that includes Coptic Christmas too. At this time many terrorist groups look for attacks. Egypt has experienced numerous Terrorist attacks during local holiday weekends. Hence one needs to be careful and keep a stick vigil of the surroundings while staying in Egypt. Christmas in Egypt musical makes you forget this fear and you feel like you are in HEAVEN with your Guardian Angels. All you need is to have faith and trust and move ahead to enjoy your Christmas Holidays here.

Coptic Christmas day in Egypt makes it a special and extended celebration for tourists to enjoy even after having a CHRISTMAS CAKE!!! Coptic Christmas is pragmatic having the Julian calendar labels 25 December it is a date that at present match up with 7 January on the more extensively used Gregorian calendar. The reason that Coptic Christmas falls on January 7th while Christmas Day falls on December 25th is for the reason that the adoption of the Gregorian calendar since1582. Those churches not associated with the Papacy determined to pay no attention to the change and stick to the original Julian calendar celebration of the holiday.

Christmas holiday destinations in Egypt

Once you prepare your mind to celebrate Christmas 2021-2022 in Egypt, let us give you some gracious options to make it a BIG and SPARKLING CELEBRATION OF YOUR LIFETIME. There are top five Christmas holiday destinations in Egypt that includes

  • Hurghada
  • Marsa Alam
  • El Gouna
  • Dahab
  • Luxor & Aswan

Choose any one of them and feel the festivities as these destinations are decorated with Egyptian Christmas tree and local restaurants are offering traditional food to serve with grace and poise. Besides that there are numerous adventurous activities you can enjoy while visiting the three pyramids such as sand boarding, quad biking, and camel riding by pyramids. There are many tour and travel companies with special Christmas packages offering free photo sessions in the Sphnix and Giza Plateau. You can treat yourself with Egyptian traditional food weather you are a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian.

Christmas at beach

Egypt is not only concerning historic sites. It offers a fun-filled vacation at beach with adventurous water activities. As you know that the red sea cities of the East coast are graded as the top most excellent resorts and diving sites globally. Hurghada city, Sharm El Sheikh city and Marsa Alam city are paradise on earth with unique echo system and environment to make you feel special and alluring. Warm golden Christmas can be experienced to welcome the NEW YEAR in Egypt which is full of adventure and the best cuisines to make you feel pampered all over.

Attractive Christmas holiday packages

Redrose tours are packed with various attractive Christmas holiday packages to give you a roller coaster ride in Egypt. You can enjoy Christmas by the beach, Christmas around historical sites or make your own trip with numerous options. Our travel experts will guide you to make your trip the everlasting one of your lifetime. Visit us at and leave your enquiry to help you serve with the best Christmas holidays at Egypt.

Our packages are well knitted to suit anyone belonging to any destination as we have organized Egypt christmas tour from USA, Egypt Christmas tour from Australia, Egypt Christmas Tours New Zealand, Egypt Christmas Tours from India and Egypt Christmas tours from south Africa. All these have been well organized and were a BIG SUCCESS!!! We are only a call away from you!!!

Be it a simple stay or a beach activities, our packages will give you a lifetime experience to be cherished. If you really want to enjoy the HEAVEN ON EARTH then do not give it a second thought, pack your bag and baggage to land in Egypt and enjoy the festivities full of pomp and show!!!